Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weekly Jack

Jack enjoys sitting out on the deck overlooking our back garden. Even on a rainy morning like this, he's out there, checking out the neighborhood and watching our neighbor's chickens.

He does his stretching exercises.

Here's his Downward Dog.

Think of it as doggie yoga.


Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I like doggie yoga. :)

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

How did this charming beast cope with the heat wave?

SUEB0B said...

Dogs do yoga all the time, don't they? So cute.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

He doesn't seem to mind the rain one bit.

Sue said...

Even our old beagle still goes through her yoga moves several times a day. She won't however spend much time outside when it is raining! It is always fun to see what Jack is up to!

Gilly said...

Jack is really gorgeous! I love it when they stretch the front end, and then the back!

The cranes in my Parallel photo were at Zeebrugge in Belgium. I wanted to get a bit more space between them, but our ship was travelling a bit too fast for me to catch the cranes in the right place!

cactus petunia said...
