Wherin the Prince of light
His reign of peace upon the earth began:
The Windes with wonder whist,
Smoothly the waters kist,

Who now hath quite forgot to rave,
While Birds of Calm sit brooding on the charmeèd wave.
- John Milton "Hymn on the Morning of Christ's Nativity"

Our Son is arriving from London at LAX later on Christmas Day. We're looking forward to being with him.
Have a wonderful Christmas.
Merry, merry, Christmas to you!
I'm so glad to hear that your son is going to make it home. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
I transitioned meself (mainly by speeding through West Virginia, with some Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, etc.) to Ashburn, Va., where it is snowing slowly.
Wonderful photos. Have a blessed Christmas. So glad your son arrives today.
Hope he's safely landed before the rain starts again.
You can all celebrate Boxing Day, at least.
Hope you're happily celebrating your son's arrival! Merry Christmas to you. Thanks for so many beautiful pictures.
Oh such beautiful photos, a lovely curious pigeon and your son gets to make it home! Merry Christmas!
That first photograph is spectacular!
Wishing you a wonderful time with family.
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