Carmi, at
Written, Inc., posts a weekly photographic challenge, based on a theme. But this time, it's different. To wrap up the year, Carmi urges us to post our FAVORITE PHOTOS OF THE YEAR. The challenge goes on through January 6, 2010. Go visit
Carmi's site and see who else shares favorite photos.

I can't settle on a single favorite, so I'm bringing you a favorite photo for each month of 2010 - or more.
This is a shot I took of a stage lighting truss being prepped for hanging in January, 2010. I love the perspective, the intricate technical detail, and the sense of theatrical excitement.
Click to "embiggen."
That is a marvelous photo!
And, having just finished directing a play in a small black box theatre, a system designed for the gods!
Oh I like this! You sure do get around to some really neat places!
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