Thursday, June 20, 2013


Looking back, looking forward
Seven days until we shut down. The locksmith is here today, changing the locks in the building. I will get a new set of keys that I will hand over to someone else next Thursday.

I interviewed for a transfer position earlier this week and today I accepted the offer. I'll train next week and then officially transfer on July 1.  It's a demotion, but they offered me the highest pay grade for that position. And I keep my benefits and pension.

My new colleagues are very nice, and I have some opportunities for growth. I'm lucky, pay cut and all.

Life goes on. The biggest adjustment I'll have to make is that my new office opens very early in the morning. Yikes!

As for my current remaining colleagues, one man has been made an offer similar to mine. Three others are being interviewed tomorrow, for one or maybe two positions. That leaves another eight people who will be laid off after 6/30/2013.  Three of those are eligible for retirement, but for the others, I don't know what will happen. I wish them the best.


Kizz said...

I'm really really sorry about the early opening but I'm glad you have a bridge position while you're figuring out these changes.

Susan B said...

I'm glad you were able to secure another position. I hope it's either something you'll enjoy, or that a better opportunity comes along.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your column and pictures, and I've been worrying about your employment. Glad to hear you're set somewhere, even if it's not perfect. Job hunting is much more work than work is.
Jenny from Northridge

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Welcome to the world of underemployment, and keep your camera handy.

Jen on the Edge said...

I am happy you got a job, even if it is a demotion.

cactus petunia said...

Glad to hear you're coming out of it okay. Personally, I'm not an early morning person, but I've found working the early shift usually means a better commute , and I love getting home earlier in the evening. Cheers!

ming said...

I couldn't respond yesterday as I was busy writing up 10 layoff notices and 10 salary adjustments (downward). My company does extensive business with the Department of Defense. We should all be worried as all new contracts are going to the lowest bidder. I'm in HR and the hardest thing I have to do is lay off employees. It's not their fault they are losing their jobs. I can fire people - they have done something wrong or not well. But layoffs are heartbreaking.

Mingus said...

Glad to be arm-in-arm with you through this transition, as through the others...

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

Benefits and pension are a Big Deal. I'm glad that this job came through for you, as I know those two things were high on your list.

Different work hours will offer you different lighting for your photos. :)