Each week Carmi at Written, Inc. has challenged readers with a
theme for photographic inspiration. This week the photographic challenge continues with the theme "at rest."

It's the Santa Monica Pier on a beautiful day.
Those fish will catch themselves.
I love the way you always go for the unexpected way of showing the theme.
Hi G
bellissima la spiaggia di Santa Monica... fortunata che puoi vivere in California... mi piacerebbe molto avere una casa a Los Angeles... :-)
Lovely way of interpreting Carmi's theme! Reminds me of the pier where my granddad lived when I was a child - it went out into very deep water and was always thick with fishermen and their smelly bait!!
Santa Monica looks far nicer!
I always wondered about those manless fishing poles! :)
Oh, I've been there and I loved it!
This is very creative even without the theme this shot is great!
Oh, this is simply perfect. did you happen upon this? or set this one up?
nice post. thanks.
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