January 16th came and went. What was going on? We were busy. Our son was flying back to college after winter break. We had things going on at work. The annual budget process. An important committee meeting. An event. An unexpected car breakdown.
A couple of days ago, something made me think about it. Oh, hell!
We forgot our anniversary! Again!
It's been 23 years now, and for some reason, this keeps happening. We forget our wedding anniversary. One year, we were hanging out at home, going about our business, and my mother called, uncharacteristically, in the middle of the week.
"Congratulations!" she said.
"What for?" I asked.
"It's your wedding anniversary!" she said.
For several years, [The Man I Love] and I couldn't agree on which day it was. We knew the month, but there was a difference of opinion on the actual date. It was far too embarrassing to consult Mom again, so we went online and had to look it up at King County's vital statistics website.
We met in March of 1986, and [The Man I Love] moved into my little single woman's bungalow the following fall. We lived together for a while, and then got married - I know it was January! What year was it again? We appeared before a judge at the courthouse, with two friends as witnesses. No family - they all lived so far away it would have been foolish to make them travel. We drove down to the courthouse with our car packed for a short honeymoon at a cottage at the shore - our dog in the back seat. We left him in the care of the garage attendant while we said our vows.
As we walked up the hill from the garage to the courthouse on Third, we encountered a friend. "Hi there!" she said,"I'm on jury duty. What are you guys here for?"
"Oh," we said. "We're getting married."
We've been together ever since. It's been a good time, except for the fact that we can't remember to celebrate our wedding anniversary.
We managed to get it together enough to celebrate it in style on our Twentieth....I think. What did we do again? We went somewhere? Did something nice? I know it was something cool.
So, this year, dammit, we forgot again. But at least we remembered that we forgot, before Valentine's Day, so - this Sunday, we're going to do something nice together.
Hope you all have a wonderful day with your favorite sweetie!
Ha! Ha! Happy Anniversary, whenever it was and happy Valentine's Day. Enjoy your celebration. :)
Make a note in your diaries - in 2 years time it will be your Silver Anniversary - 25th!
We are definitely remembering ours this year - 50th - Golden. I've made Mr G come on a cruise round the UK with me!!
Well, good. I'm glad there's no sit-commery about it at the g household, w/ the "How could you forget?" & so on.
Maybe it's because you didn't make a huge deal of it in the first place.
We got married two days after Christmas, so our anniversary is usually an after thought following all the Christmas hoopla. Next December 27 will be our 40th. Guess we'll have to do something special.
A belated Happy Anniversary to you.
that is so funny.
have a fine celebration - whenever you do it!
Eat conversation hearts till you burst. Enjoy!
I think it is more important that you have such a long history of marriage than that you remember the actual date. However, you are still funny!
SuperDad & I actually have 2 dates -- one casual like yours and one for the family. We have forgotten the casual one the past few years and we are starting to forget the date of the family wedding! It's been 22 years for us. Time flies!
Ours is 3 days after Christmas...so, we never do anything outstanding...but, we've never forgotten it. We had a big wedding...we were just kids...we didn't live together first...maybe that makes it easier to remember the day. I'm always amazed that people still remember first dates, first kiss etc. I only remember the big deal day.
Sounds like a lovely marriage. I'm glad for you.
Aloha & Happy Anniversary
Aloha, Friend!
Comfort Spiral
I laughed as I read this! What a delightful story. In the words of John Lennon, "Life is what happens when you're making other plans." At least you both forget. And hey, something good is going on. You've lasted for 23 years! Here's hoping you have many more forgetful years together. Hugs, Terri
Maybe just pick an easy date in January to remember and celebrate then? Ours is the first day of spring, a cinch. And congratulations! A 23 year happy marriage is an achievement. Many more years of celebration, sometime in January.
I and several other colleagues distinctly remember when you & The Man You Love met. I think it still comes up every now & then when we reminisce about those days in the Pacific NW, because the lines that were exchanged between the two of you that we'd overheard(and a few of us still remember them) were classic. Can't remember though when you two got hitched, but indeed, it's a long time ago. Happy Valentine's Day! May you two have many more together =)
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