Here's a birthday cake displayed in a downtown bakery's case. A wrecker pulls a crashed car back onto the road as a fire engine waits. "Happy birthday!" says the inscription. The cake is ringed with sharp lightning-bolt symbols all around.
It's a SigAlert in sugar!
Whose birthday cake is this?
Well, I hope it's an EMT's because otherwise? Not so festive.
To me, nothing sings out "festive!" like a multiple car pile up. Is anything more exuberant and joyous?
and I thought Jesus in a rocket was weird LOL
My first thought without reading about it was, "how cute"! Knowing it is a car wreck sort of changes things.
Tristan made me laugh: "nothing sings out "festive!" like a multiple car pile up Is anything more exuberant and joyous?"
[still giggling here in the blizzard]
Funny the things we celebrate!
Aloha, Friend
Comfort Spiral
Fantastica torta !!!!!
Cosa importa chi è il festeggiato, l'importante è partecipare !!!
Bit weird - and I wouldn't fancy eating that nasty green icing!
What an interesting cake. But why would someone want that? O grow to soon old and too late smart.
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