Brooding over something? The world driving you cuckoo? This is where you can grouse if you need to, squawk about something, or cackle at the bird-brains in your life! Don't be a silly goose, let loose!
I have a confession to make - I started Weight Watchers again on Monday. I'm using the online version. I did this about 8 years ago and successfully lost 15 pounds, but eventually it crept back on me. So now I've started again. But Fuck a Duck! it's hard! It's tough to resist all those little nibbles and bits, and how about cheese on sandwiches? And I really need that glass of wine at the end of the day - I force myself to earn 4 activity points to pay for it. It's been less than a week, too! Fuck a Duck! How am I going to survive?
My concerns pale compared to the disaster in Japan. My thoughts are with the survivors. I
No shit, Aunt Snow. Fuck earthquakes, fuck tsunamies, fuck "acts of God". And also, fuck my overbearing husband for not being able to wait until we got home to discuss the $20.00 I withdrew from our joint account. Seriously, emailing and then calling 3 minutes later in the middle of the day is not necessary.
Yesterday the PowersThatBe decided all kids would have lunch at the same time, because there was an assembly right afterwards. What fucking chaos.
Fuckaduck alright, POOF! There goes hundreds of people in Japan, and its not over....
for myself? Go to the doctor this afternoon and GOD KNOWS what she might grab, poke or squeeze....and finally, if I may mention, posted pics of a fine duck teapot today at my blob
Have an awesome weekend everybody :)
Tsumani is expected in Santa Monica at exactly the time I drive on PCH. Yet they say it's not going to be big, and the beach is wide.
Weird. How do you make a decision about this?
Fuck it all! Fuck earthquakes, tsunamis, politics, and fuck wars and especially fuck autocrats who slaughter their own people! The world is fucking scary these days.
Fuck the gang punks who mistakenly trashed my 70 year old mother's house! They spray painted graffiti on the walls, her clothes, appliances and furniture; then squirted mayonnaise, syrup, salad dressing, brownie mixes and threw eggs all over the walls, furniture, carpet, counters, beds, dressers, etc. She didn't have much, but it was hers.
Fuck the even dumber punks who broke in a few days later. Instead of coming in through an easily accessible bathroom window, they kicked in the garage door, boosted themselves into the attic, crawled across the attic, bashed in the ceiling and came down through the linen closet spreading attic insulation all over the house. Nothing was taken either time -- just lots of damage. Fuck the days we have spent cleaning up and hauling her stuff to the dump because it is ruined.
Fortunately, she has insurance and can get it all replaced but she has lost her sense of security and now will be moving in with my sister while we sell the house. Fuck creeping urban blight into middle class neighborhoods!
(in answer to your question Aunt Snow, YES, you can use that pic, or if your preferred, the duck jars of a week ago)
I've got nothing else to add to the impressive list here in the comments. Except cancer. And Parkinson's. Always those. *sigh*
Anon., I'm so, so sorry! Having a home broken into is awful enough (been there, felt violated). I hope that, in time, she can regain a sense of hope and security.
Nothing can compare to what is happening in Japan now.
Fuck Earthquakes.
UGH! Fuck Natural Disasters and Fuck people who have a lack of respect for others properties. What in the hell is this world coming to? I was a punk growing up and got in a lot of trouble but I never once thought of damaging someone else's property.
And now to sound petty but fuck being sick for the past two weeks so that now I have to spend my Spring Break next week catching up on homework when it was suppose to be my break from all the craziness.
Hang in there. It usually takes a week or so for the cravings to go away...
Weight Watchers is a really healthy program. Good for you.
Have to file bankruptcy on Monday....such a fuckin fuck up. I hope it's puts me on the right path.
Really heartsick about the earthquake and tsunami.
Mmmm - cheese. And wine. Olives.
I agree with fucking earthquakes, tsunamis and other acts of God.
Fuck my granddaughter in-law & the drama and heartache she is causing my family. My grandson is leaving for the Army (fuck that too) in April and she has decided his parents aren't good enough to be around their child. They've even been uninvited to the baby's 1st birthday party. This is not what he should have to be dealing with before he goes away. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!
My daughter, the grandmother, just lost her fucking job and insurance and she has a ton of medical problems. Fuck our governor who is managing to destroy WI and cutting medical care for the poor. This has been a fucking week from hell.
Thanks, I needed this!
Fuck the entire housing industry.
Fuckaduck, natural disasters sure do make humans insignificant. It's so hard to tear away from the coverage of Japan and to stop obsessing about what it would feel like to be in that situation.
Aunt Snow, you are very punny! Your intro was hilarious, and I am envious of your way with words.
And yes, fuck a duck to earthquakes, tsunamis, cancer, and destructive punks!
Fuck everyone in this country who wants to turn the teaching profession into the scapegoat for a failing and underfunded educational system.
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