Only two slices of bacon. No onions. One quarter of a red bell pepper. A couple of scallions. A single ear of sweet corn (3 for $1 - only 2 of us had dinner at home last night). Some wilted basil leaves. What's in those baggies? A rind of aged gouda cheese and some crumbles of sharp cheddar.
Cook bacon until crisp and drain, reserving bacon fat. Cut kernels off ear of corn. Chop red bell pepper into 1/4 dice. Thinly slice white and light green part of scallions.
Heat reserved bacon fat in saute pan, and saute chopped vegetables until onion and pepper are wilted:

Add finely chopped basil:

Pour eggs into pan with vegetables, making sure entire bottom of pan is covered with egg mixture and vegetables are evenly distributed. Lower heat to Medium Low.
Break bacon into bite-size pieces and sprinkle into egg mixture. Grate gouda cheese and mix with cheddar bits; sprinkle over eggs.

Pre-heat broiler - yes I know it's not good to use the oven when it's hot out - this is just for a few minutes.
When egg mixture in pan is almost set, remove from stove and place under hot broiler for 2 minutes, or until eggs are completely set and top is lightly browned. Remove from heat, being careful with the hot handle.
Put a large plate on top of the pan, hold carefully with one hand, and with the other, turn the pan upside down so that frittata ends up on the plate:

Looks like a pretty tasty breakfast from emergency rations!
As for the oven, the boy here decided yesterday, the hottest day so far, to make DIY pizza. Oven at 450.
Never underestimate the pig-headedness of a bored and hungry teenager.
I'll take a slice of those emergency rations anytime!
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