Apparently, topping up the water level and replacing the fountain pump weren't enough. So I researched and read what I could. I learned that over time, a poorly maintained pond, can have nitrites build up in the water, and the PH factor of the water changes, and it becomes a toxic environment for fish. Experts advise testing the water, using an oxygen pump to keep the water aerated, and periodically draining the pond by at least 2/3rds, cleaning out the muck and refilling it.
Now you'd think I would have known this. It only makes sense. Create a closed environment like an artificial pond, and you have to perform preventive maintenance. But I'm lazy and optimistic - and in denial - so I managed to create my own version of the Dead Zone. Victimizing my poor defenseless goldfish. I am a horrible person.
Today I decided to drain the pond and clean out all the muck. Then we'd refill it, let the water sit for a couple of days, and test it with a kit. Then we would replace the fish.
So I found a piece of short garden hose and used it and the fountain pump to drain the pond.

Did you know that water-plant potting soil is composed mostly of clay, to keep it from drifting out of the pot? Did you know how heavy that clay can get, soaked with water?

It was not fun, reaching into murky water with your bare hands, pulling up slimy stuff. Did you know that a dead fish is exactly the shape and size of a rotted water-lily bud? Now I do!
I also managed to abruptly sit down right in a blob of nasty clay mud, while trying to pull up some tenaciously rooted thing.
I mucked and mucked, and periodically waited for the murky water to subside and clear so I could see what I was doing. And then - guess what?

OK, now, change of plans. Don't drain the pond completely, just drain 3/4s of the water. Muck it out, and slowly refill it so the fish get clean water. Put the pump back on the fountain, so the water is aerated.
I trimmed and cleaned out the dead bits of the tropical water lily, the papyrus reed, the salvaged iris, and the red-stem thalia, hoping that they will revitalize.
Cross your fingers. Wish my little fishes good luck!
I am sure your remaining fishes will be very happy with all the work you put in to their home. Good Luck!
Good luck gold fishies...swim, breathe, eat...have fun!!!
Thanks for the visit today...
That doesn't sound like a fun job! I hope your "survivors" are thriving! I hope you a routine figured out and that when you get new fish they will LOVE you for all you have done.
You have reminded me that I need to change the beta fish bowl.
take care,
Thank you for your pink Saturday visit. Enjoyed your blog too. What a surprise to find the fish still alive!! Oh, and I live in California too in the North Bay Area. We are going down to the LA area in November to attend a wedding and see family.
Oh Yippee! About the live fish you found. Hope all goes well with the newly cleaned pond. My DH has a 200 gallon fresh water tank in his man cave and it really distresses him when a fish dies. Loved reading your Korean restaurant story too. If all goes as planned we may be visiting LA in the spring. I have never been to CA. before except on a lay-over. Now I am off to read your Pink Saturday post.
Ooh. Gross duty! I would have had rubber gloves on. Blech!
Poor fishies. Hope the last bunch survive & thrive.
@Cheri: At My Place is no more. Has been gone a looong time.
I love those plants, they look like four leaf clover.
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