Beverly at the blog How Sweet the Sound has a great idea! It's
Pink Saturday. Post about something
pink, on Saturday. Here are the rules if you want to
Get Pink!

If you stroll along Main Street in the Ocean Park section of Santa Monica, you'll come to a large open space - an entire city block - brimming with flowers behind a chain link fence. These
pink hollyhocks were blooming here starting in June this summer.
Did you grow hollyhocks as a kid? My mother did. She taught me how to pick the flower and turn it upside down and make a little lady, wearing a long dress!
This is the
Santa Monica Community Garden. Thriving in this spot since 1976, it has 65 individual garden plots for residents to use.

What I love about it is the absolute wild riot of plants that thrive. There are vegetable plots among the flowers, but it's the flowers that catch your eye as you walk by. The hollyhocks are the most striking and impressive plants, but there are also lush rose bushes; plots full of cosmos; huge vigorous shrubs of brugmansia, or
"Angel's Trumpet", with their large bell-shaped flowers drooping down behind the chain link fence. Oh, and do "
Angel's Trumpets" come in
pink? Yes, they do indeed!
This garden is truly a beautiful oasis in the heart of the city. It's the perfect place for a stroll on
Pink Saturday. C'mon down, and enjoy!
Hollyhocks are one of my most favorite flowers....they are so old fashioned and make a perfect back drop for a cottage garden! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the flowers to start my day!
Love hollyhocks! What a pretty post. Happy Pink Saturday!
Oh I love hollyhocks, too, and YES I remember making little ladies out of them.
Glad you enjoyed my denture decorating tips!
Have a great Pink Sat. ! Dana
Happy Pink Saturday! Lovely flowers.Hollyhocks are such pretty flowers.
Blessings, Virginia
Thanks for stopping by and your post about the community garden was interesting. We have a a piece of land on our property that all we do is mow and I thought that it would be fun to offer it as a community garden. Just so I wouldn't have to mow it.
We are off of Patterson Rd and near the Eagles. Where is your mother in law. You will have to come for a visit next time
Oh, G, hollyhocks are my very favorite of flowers. My mother had them as well as most ladies when I was growing up. I intend to plant some next spring. Thanks for reminding me!
love, bj
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hollyhocks are among my most favorite flowers. Love your PINK post!
~ Gabriela ~
Oh, we are on the same mind set! Your hollyhocks are the perfect shade of pink and so many. Have a wonderful day.
Wish we had a community garden. I don't even think there's one in my city. Nice pictures!
Happy Pink Saturday, Glennis.
I love hollyhocks, too. Thank you for sharing such beautiful blooms. They brightened by day.
Pretty hollyhocks. The Angel's Trumpets are poisonous, I think. Happy Pink Saturday!
I really like hollyhocks. Your photos of the community garden are beautiful and I can imagine that it is breathtaking in person. :o)
I love the hollyhocks. My grandmother gave me seeds from her garden so I always think of her when I see them.
I have propegated the Angel's Trumpet. The smell is just heavenly! Just cut off a branch and stick it in water until it roots. Super easy!
Happy Pink Saturday!
What beautiful shots for Pink Saturday. Have a great rest of the weekend...
Thanks for sharing your community garden. It is lovely. I have seen angel trumpets in pink. So prtty
The Hollyhocks are so pretty in all colors but especially pink today! Hugs, Bobbi Jo
g..thanks for visiting me for pink Saturday..That's fantastic that you have that community that naturally has the rose essence concentrates, rose waters and other rose flavored goodies! I just love anything rosey. :0)
Thanks for the garden of my favorite things to do, especially on a pretty Saturday.
Hello Glennis, I love Hollyhocks. I have visited Santa Monica several times. I also like their pier, its a great place to take my Grandkids for a great easy destination for a afternoon. Great Pink Hollyhock pictures for PINK Saturday!
Love, Ann
oops...I sent my pink saturday comment to your previous post :-)
So pretty...I will have to try and grow is really a pretty flower....
Mo :-)
I love hollyhocks my grandfather always grew them. You are so lucky living in santa monica what a beautiful community garden.
I love Hollyhocks! They are such a delightful old fashioned flower! We had them at one house we lived at. Mabey next year i will get the seeds i bought this year planted.
Hello Sweet G!
Love your Pink Saturday post! We had Morning Glories when I was going up! Love those PINK Hollyhocks! I Santa Monica to!
Hi G,
so nice to start my Sunday viewing your beautiful shots...
Oh I love hollyhocks. The riotous color reaching to the sky! I love to see hollyhocks at old houses...
Gardens are perfect for getting away from the crowded city. I enjoy the beautiful garden and fresh air while relaxing on the patio.
Many many Pinkeey Thanks for the strolling w/ you, G. When will we have our next stroll;)
Hope you're having the happiest of Happy Pink Weekend.
I love community gardens and holly hocks. My Mom grew hollyhocks too but I haven't had much success with them. I love all the old fashioned flowers. Happy belated Pink Saturday. ~ Lynn
Beautiful flower post. Have a wonderful PINK Weekend!
Beauitful flowers, thank you!
Pretty pink Hollyhocks! HPS!
oh my!! i love hollyhocks but i don't know if they grow here. such a fairytale flower! have a great pink week!
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