If you're in the Los Angeles area, you can spend this Pink Saturday at the 3rd Annual Altcar Expo and see this gorgeous pink electric scooter. You can also see all kinds of transportation options. The exhibits include electric and alternative energy vehicles that you can see, touch, and sit down in, and even includes a "Drive and Ride" in the parking lot so you can experience them first-hand.
I love the pink scooter, but I also really liked the cool electric pick-up truck and the weird little 3-wheeler commuter car! The show also has a great cafe with delicious vegan, organic food.
As for the scooter, you can visit the Skeuter Company here in the Los Angeles area, and find out more about it and their other products. The spokesperson told me that the base price of this lovely pink scooter is about $2,200.00, or $3,200.00 depending on the type of battery you choose. It charges in a couple of hours, goes up to 40 miles per charge, and has no problem with parallel parking! He took a picture of me and a new friend. Don't we look great?

Beep beep!
Happy Pink Saturday!
You stole the PINK show!
The coolest PINK scooter.
~ Gabriela ~
Ooh, Glennis. I do love that pink scooter. And, you look great on it.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Glennis, that scooter is awesome to say the least. What will they think up next. Were they looking in on Beverly's Pink Saturday and had an inspiration for that scooter? You never know. :) You both look like you are having lots of fun.
Hugs, Jeanne
I think you look FABULOUS on that Pink Scooter! I wouldn't mind driving one, but I'd have to buy a little pink trailer to hook on to the back of it!!! (For all of the treasures I seem to drag home!)
In answere to your question--I found the Pink Slapping hands at our local Dollar Tree store---in the party section.
Hope your Pink Sat. is filled with great fun---BTW, it's hot and sunny in MO, too! BUT the trees are starting to turn, so cooler weather is not far off! Dana
lol The front of it looks like a face. Happy Pink Saturday!
Suweeeeet! scooter! Thanks for the comment!
Hey, Wondering if that scooter would go up these mountains, Maybe I need one to.
Yep, I would like one of those !! lol !! You looks so cute on there, like you have been riding for years. :)
Happy Pink Saturday !! :)
Funny you should ask. My husband just bought himself a new scooter, but his is yellow and black. He looks kind of funny on it, but he's excited about saving gas. I'll stick with my car. Take care.
Yep..if gas doesn't come down a whole lot more, we may have to get one of these pink beauties...
The pink scooter is to die for! How do we get one? If only, right? Thanks for that! :-) Stacey
The pink scooter is too cool!! How fun to take a pic with it.
Thanks for visiting over at my blog today :)
You look great on that scooter!! And the color couldn't be any more perfect!!!
take care,
Wow that's just too great! Great for today! Happy Pink Saturday!
Your scooter is the perfect shade of pink! Happy Pink Saturday.
that pink scooter is HOT.
Ugh, I can't believe I just sounded like Paris Hilton.
Hi G...I would love to drive a scooter...but it's everyone else I would be worried about!
Especially the big trucks and SUVs!
Hi Glennis
Thanks for the warm welcome to my first first Pink Saturday!
That scooter is so pretty an very Europeon! Anything that saves gas is good idea and to look stylish doing it is a bonus!
Hugs, Pat
Hello Glennis, I just love that pink scooter. I live in the Southern California area, so should I look for you on it next time I am on the 405 freeway?
Love, Ann
How awesome is that?!?!?! My vote goes to you this week for the coolest "toy"!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
I want a pink scooter although it would be tough to pick up 3 kids on! :)
Ohhhhhhh I want one of those : ) Happy Pink Saturday!
Cute Pink Scooter!
Happy PInk...Lorena
Happy Pink Saturday!such a cute pink scooter!
Lovely PINK post!
Oh!! I would love to have that pink scooter! How fun!!
Hola Glennis!!
That scooter is lovely!! and PINK!!!
Happy Pink Saturday!!
Besitos from Argentina!!
Cute pink wheels!
That's just the sweetest little pink scooter ever! xo Vanessa
That's so cute! I never thought of "green pink!"
I want one of those. Happy pink
Oh, I LOVE that *pink* scooter! That would be so much fun to scoot around town on!
Margie :)
Wouldn't it be fun to own this? It suits you to a "T"! :)Nancy
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