There's music all over my house. But lately we seem to have taken it for granted. Here, jumbled in the corner, three Nigerian talking drums, or dundun, and a kora from the Gambia. I like the vertical lines made by the strings of the kora and the straps of the drums.
Perhaps I should really do some dusting.
don't dust
make music
Great interesting pieces. Nice to see something new and different.
Just jumbled in the corner?! Crazy!
Wow! These are such beautiful pieces to be left in the corner.
Great entry to Carmi's theme.
I agree with Tristan.
Hey-- that photo would look great framed and hanging on my wall.
I agree with Tristan.
Hey-- that photo would look great framed and hanging on my wall.
this photo reminded me of one date my husband and I had when we were just dating. it was a small club where the "alternative" artists were using instruments similar to these. the most intriguing for me was the "drum" with two paintbrush-like sticks being brushed on the drum.
awesome instruments you got! :)
These are really wonderful!
I choose music over dusting, too.
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