Beverly at the blog
How Sweet the Sound has a great idea! It's
Pink Saturday. Post about something
pink, on Saturday. Here are the rules if you want to
Get Pink!
One cool thing about Los Angeles is the presence of taco trucks. These rolling restaurants drive through L.A. neighborhoods, in many cases serving familiar food to the domestic and landscaping workers who toil in wealthy neighborhoods.
Over time
taco lovers and
Chowhounds have learned certain well-known trucks' regular routes, and seek them out for their notable offerings.
Plus, taco trucks are often hand-painted with amazing murals and scenes.
This taco truck is known for its seafood, or
mariscos, as you'll note from its
pink octopus mascot. Mmmmm. I could go for a
cocktel de camarones right now. It's also

I'm waiting to try the octopus.
There were a lot of those trucks when I was in Miami. I miss the yummy food.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Food look yummy. Have a wonderful day.
Thank you for visiting with me, sweet dove! That food sounds fantastic! I'll try it next time we're in southern California.
I've never seen trucks like that! The mural is lovely, but I think I'd save octopus for art work not a meal LOL!
Happy Pink Saturday!
take care,
I am originally from Santa Monica so I know what you mean. Yummy. When I visited Tuscon, Arizona I noticed that is how a lot of restaurants get started. Setting up shop on a corner at night.
Pink octopuses?! Eek! I'll have the shrimp but I think I'll pass on the octopus. My hubby eats it in thank you!
Have a wonderful pink weekend!
Love that Pink Taco truck octopus! My sister used to live in L.A. such an exciting place to live. Hope you were okay in that earthquake last week. That food looks sooooo good. Happy Pink Saturday. Karen
Happy Pink Saturday!!!yummy!
visit me anytime....
Happy Pink Saturday G! Love seafood myself!
Happy PINK Day!
What a cool truck, we don't have those where I live, maybe an ice cream truck goes by every now and again, but that's about it.
Take Care, Pennie
Wish we had a taco truck in our neighborhood. Just ice cream trucks here...and I don't need that!
Happy Pink Saturday to you,
That is really the mural on the truck!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Traveling taco trucks! How cool! This is a new one on me, and not something we see in N.C. They have drive throughs beat, hands down! :)
Love the vintage pictures in the post below! They are really neat and the ladies are so beautiful and dressed so well!
~Rhonda :)
I love this pink Saturday idea. So you used to live in Seattle? I'm living in Camarillo right now because of hubby's work. I'm in Seattle at my home (we didn't want to sell it) for a 6 week trip so all my posts are from the Seattle area these days. Soon I'll be back in good ole Cali and my posts will have a different flavor...
have a great pink Saturday ejola!
Wonderful! Shrimp aren't good until they're PINK. Thanks for visiting WindyCorner. A mojito would hit the spot right about now.
Thanks for stopping by my place..I hope you will come again soon...
I'll try that food next time I am out your way...
Hi G.,
Love the Octopus! I used to know a woman who owned several of those trucks and one of her employees was a theme dresser. Wore a different costume everyday and her sales where higher than any of the other employees. How funny is that!
A very creative PINK!
:) Cori G.
25 or thirty years ago I had a friend named Randy. He was a big burly blonde dude from Florida. Randy was a drug dealer. Very careful, he never tried to become a bigger fish, just stayed a small,local retail guy, selling weed and coke to a (relatively speaking) small group of friends and friends of friends.
Eventually, when he had made enough money, he bought a fleet of 6 Lunch Wagons (Roach Coaches as they tend to be known) and completely got out of the drug business.
He was the only one I ever knew who actually made it out the other side. I always smile a little smile when I see one of those trucks, knowing they were the path to legit success for my friend Randy...
The food looks great! Thanks for visiting me!
A pink octopus, LOL!
Mmm, seafood.
Great octopus graphic!!
Love the pink taco truck...with a pink octopus the tacos must be great....Cute post....
Mo :-)
Love that octopus! I accidently ate it in marinara sauce after asking the waiter in my VERY broken Spanish if it was MEAT sauce. Si, Si!
Well, indeed it was....Meat with suckers. There are so many more captivating experiences out there than to have Octopus on the 'before you die' list.
Trust me.
Oddly enough, I have always been fascinated with Octopus and Vintage items.
Happy Pink Saturday,
Very interesting post!
Taco trucks! Wish we had those in Georgia and I could arrange for them to come by right about dinner time! {Grin} I've never heard of such a fun thing. See, I learned something new today!
Happy day to you!
I'm telling you, you've got something here on your blog, G. You need to submit some of your posts to travel magazines or something to do with showcasing/where to go in L.A. Or maybe write a book about the off the beaten path destinations. Or both.
The *pink* octopus on the truck is cute, but ... I'm not really a seafood person, so I think I'll pass on eating it!
About my little Ponytail tin plates ... There are no other markings on them at all other than the words "PonyTail". I don't know if they were made by the same "PonyTail" company that made vinyl cases, like the ones that held 45 records, etc., or not. I think they also made wallets and other vinyl products. I haven't been able to track down any other info on them yet, but I'd like to know more about them too!
We have a pair of doves that have nested under our deck this summer, and she is now sitting on her 4th pair of eggs! (we call them the Jetson's because of the noise they make when they take off and land!)
Thanks for visiting me today!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Besitos from Argentina!
Coctel de camaron is a favorite!! I'll be right down.!!!
I love the taco truck. I have never seen one. It is so fun to learn new things from our blogging friends. Happy Pink saturday
Oh how I miss those trucks! When my hubby and I use to owe our businesses, we had those trucks come twice a day for our workers!
Love, Ann
What a delicious pink idea to post. Yum!! You should win the prize for originality. smile
What a cute pink octopus! Pink works everywhere, doesn't it? Hope you had a nice Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday! Thanks for stopping by. Octopus.....hummm tastes like Chicken :-) The soup does look good.
I am trying to visit the PS blogs--I was out of town. I love your Pink Octopus---we do not have ANYTHING like that in Kansas City. I guess everything is NOT up-to-date in Kansas City afterall! I enjoyed reading some of your older posts!
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