This graffiti mural is on a retaining wall along Glendale Boulevard in Echo Park. I love how the muralist has created, with paint, the shininess of the spaceship's cockpit glass bubble, and the sleekness of the ship's pink body. The ship has the glamor of a souped-up pink hot rod. The chicken, immaculately white with a jaunty red comb, gazes ahead heroically, blasting off on his journey, rising up over the 101 freeway, bursting through the clouds into the stratosphere.
Journey on, brave chicken! Perhaps you'll land on a pink planet!
What a cute pink Saturday post. Some graffiti artists are so talented and when they are in an appropriate place or done as a mural they are lovely. Blast on little chicken.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Your Pink super chicken is such a cool post!
~ Gabriela ~
this is so cool-and funny! have a great pink day.
Glennis, I love this. A pink spaceship seems like the ultimate.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Happy Pink Saturday.
That is a fun mural!! What a great piece of work. It just makes you smile.
Happy Pink Saturday!
take care,
Groovy pink post!
How I love to discover graffiti. I remember the arroyo along the 10 outside Pasadena was a veritable art gallery. The Pink Rocket is delightful
Love that pink rocket flown by a chicken. I need to see that in person.
Hope you are having a great Pink Saturday!
haha, a really great pink story!
What a fun post! A little unexpected treasure among a sea of pinkness. Have a good time traveling.
Love that pink chicken. very funny!!!
Take care, Jeanne
Hello G!
Happy Belated Pink Saturday! Wow, some graffiti artist!
What a unique *pink* post! I love the little chicken, he's so cute. It's incredible how they made the space ship look shiny like that!
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