Everybody ready to go back to school? There's still time for fun things to check out!
L.A. Greek Fest, 2008, on September 5, 6 and 7. Now you know I like Greek Festivals of all kinds, big and small, but this is L.A. 's big one. It takes place in the Latino-Byzantine Quarter, at Saint Sophia's Cathedral, and includes celebrities, dancing, music, and even a fancy theatrical production. Just check out their glitzy website! You know the food will be fabulous! Opa!
The Los Angeles County Fair at Pomona's Fairplex kicks off this September 5 and runs through the end of the month. You can go ride rides, eat carnival food, and visit animal and livestock exhibits - OR you can go to the Grandstands and listen to hot acts perform! This is the big one, folks! Beat traffic by taking Metrolink.
Go down to San Pedro on September 6 and 7 for the 17th Annual Festival of Phillipine Arts and Culture. Music, Dance, Arts and culture - at Point Fermin Park, overlooking the sea in San Pedro. C'mon how long has it been since you've been to San Pedro? That alone is worth checking it out!
Happy Labor Day! Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement!
kari & kijsa
Love those pumpkins!
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
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