Just a short walk from where we work is a beach front hotel. Although it's a "luxury" hotel, the economy is hitting them hard - so they recently started a Happy Hour with $5 drinks and nibblies from 5 pm to 7 pm.
We headed down there and enjoyed a window seat looking out at the beach. We had fried calamari and peel-and-eat shrimp and a couple of drinks. Pink drinks.
We sipped and we nibbled and we giggled and we gossiped and we watched the sunset. Then we called for the check, paid, and went to the ladies' room.

Can you believe this is how they present the toilet paper? What a classy joint!

Then we went out onto the ocean walk. Here is what it looks like when the sun is setting on a bright April evening. We headed back up the hill to our employee parking lot. It was 7:00 p.m. The traffic had died down, some.
"We ought to do this next week!" we said to each other, and headed for home.
And that's why I don't have a good Pink Saturday post.
Gosh that sounds like alot of fun.
Much better than driving in rush hour traffic. Lovely view of the Hotel. Hope you can do this next time too :)
I think it's a fabulous pink saturday story. I could picture myself there. Sounds like a blast.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Love the toilette paper all chic presented! So unique!
~ Gabriela ~
Sounds like a great idea. Wish I could join you. I love the tablecloth in the first picture.
It's a terrific Pink story!
Happy Pink Day
Sounds like a lot of fun and instead of waiting in traffic, you waited in style...;)
Happy PS
This sounds like it should be a weekly thing for the gals. Why sit in traffic if you can enjoy great company and a wonderful view, relax, sit and talk. It all sounds good to me, Happy Pink Saturday, Char
Oh, I don't know, it seems like a great Pink Saturday post! Glad you had fun! Happy Pink Saturday!
I've never seen TP displayed like that! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday.
How fancy is that toilet paper? I wonder if that would stop my dog from trying to steal the toilet paper and chew it up?
Happy Pink Saturday, it looks like you had a great evening.
Wow! The toilet paper makes we think you were in the ladies room at Tiffany's! LOL! Cute!
I think it is a wonderful pink Saturday post. It includes cool drinks, delicious food and pretty views.
Happy Pink Saturday, Glennis.
Oh, what a delighful place. Thanks for sharing.
Glennis, oh, love that pink drink!!
Happy Pink Saturday.
Hey, even the sun sets pink there.
It's a very pretty pink drink. That hotel looks familiar, but it's been years since I've been to LA.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I like the pinks but I like the blue bonnets too. Cute idea on the tissue, no? Enjoy the weekend.
Hey I think it's a great pink Saturday post-- the drinks make it;)
Great goodies you're sharing! Don't you just ♥ Pink Saturday? This is the one day that I get to totally indulge myself, get all girlie, drink tea with cream, and share time with friends on the internet. Your blog post this week was wonderful...as usual!
Went out to dinner with friends, so I'm a little late, but better late than never, right? I wish you a Sunday filled with family, l♥ve, sunshine and peace.
What do you mean??? This is a great Pink Saturday post - I love the whole idea of sitting at the beach and having a wonderful pink drink like this - what fun!! And that Hotel view - just gorgeous. What a nice way to spend Friday after work.
oh, and Happy Pink Saturday!! Sorry about that.
Happy belated Pink Saturday!
Glad to hear the happy hour was happy! We all need to start our weekends off with a smile. That toilet paper really cracked me up,
♥, Susan
Thank you so much for stopping by for my first Pink Saturday. I love the toilet paper. I wonder how crazy my hubby would think I was if I did that to mine!
Roberta Anne-the Raggedy Girl
I think that was a great Pink Saturday post! Your pink drink is just right!
This is the best type of Pink for Pink Saturday!
Wow, this is just THE PERFECT PS post!! How relaxing & fun!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Well, I think that's a perfectly pink post. A very posh pink post, in fact.
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